Thursday, June 07, 2012

Best Job

Post by: Outspoken

I have a confession to make and maybe even an apology. You see, ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of the day when I would meet my long haired, hippy husband(don't judge, everyone has different taste). I had it all planned out. We would wait until we were married for exactly 3 years and than settle down and start our family. This is when I would graciously give up my “outside of the home job” and stay at home with all of our 5 children. Side Note: Okay seriously, the thought of 5 children now gives me the urge to run as fast as I can into my wall. Hence, this is where my confession and apology comes in. Before I had ONE CHILD, yes one, I was so judgmental and literally thought that I was Nanny 911. I was so disgusted by the lack of discipline and involvement that so many parents had with their kids. I also thought since I was a Social Worker that I had the toughest job in the world and I could handle anything and any child. It's still mind boggling how I could manage 15 foster children and 12 foster parents, be on call 24/7 and still manage to have time for myself and my husband – but this ONE little 10 month old has me literally creeping through the house while she's sleeping, for FEAR that she may wake up to early from her nap.

Anyway, I say all this to note that staying at home or even just being an involved mom is such a tough job. I had so many expectations and every single one of those were completely recreated when my little one came along. I saw a commercial recently that literally brought me to tears. I liked the commercial because it reflects how tired, busy, worn down, giving, and simple each woman is. However, the most important thing to all of the kids was that their mom was there! 

Another video that I felt was worth sharing is the story of Olympian Gymnast Shawn Johnson. She explains how her mom was always there for her and loved her no matter who she did or did not become. 


I hope all you mothers out there feel encouraged and uplifted by the fact that you have the hardest job – being a parent. Hang in there! I tell myself that 100 times a day. Also, I apologize if you were one of the woman that I was casting my haughty eyes upon. Don't worry, God answered your prayers that I would be blessed with a wild child. :)

**Please note: I understand that not everyone has the desire to stay home nor are they able to stay at home and I believe that is their decision. I feel that God can still bless families that have two working parents and for the record, all you single moms/dads out are my heroes. I do not know how you do it!

My son, keep your father’s command,
and don’t reject your mother’s teaching.
21 Always bind them to your heart;
tie them around your neck.
22 When you walk here and there, they will guide you;
when you lie down, they will watch over you;
when you wake up, they will talk to you.
Proverbs 6:20-22


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Raising children is a BIG thing along with a BIG responsibility. But it is also very simple if you follow Jesus.

    To me, Jesus is kind of like a treasure chest, which is packed full of everything you need, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Gal. 5:22-23

  2. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I read this and just started crying. Crying. Thank you whoever you are. Great read. My husband came in a saw me all teary eyed and started laughing at me. Needless to say he now has my handprint across his face. Girl power!

  3. Ok I am officially ticked at you...HA! I teared up watching both videos! Moms do have it tough, but it is a job I would NOT trade for the world!!! You are a great Mom!


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